ISF - Shadertoy - Mystic Flower XsjBRt

	"IMPORTED": [],
		"Automatically Converted",
	"DESCRIPTION": "Automatically converted from by rigel.  Just a study on color",
	"INPUTS": []

// Author: Rigel
// Shader: Mystic Flower
// licence:

#define PI 3.141592653589793
#define TWO_PI 6.283185307179586

// radom number in 2d
float hash(vec2 p) {
  return fract(sin(dot(p,vec2(12.9898,78.2333)))*43758.5453123);

// noise in 2d
float noise(vec2 p) {
    vec2 i = floor(p);
    vec2 f = fract(p);
    vec2 u = f*f*(3.0-2.0*f);
    return mix( mix( hash( i + vec2(0.0,0.0) ), hash( i + vec2(1.0,0.0) ), u.x),
                mix( hash( i + vec2(0.0,1.0) ), hash( i + vec2(1.0,1.0) ), u.x), u.y);

// fractal noise in 2d
float fbm ( vec2 p ) {
    const mat2 m = mat2(0.8,0.6,-0.6,0.8);
    float f = 0.0;
    f += 0.5000*noise ( p ); p*=m*2.02;
    f += 0.2500*noise ( p ); p*=m*2.04;
    f += 0.1250*noise ( p ); p*=m*2.03;
    f += 0.0650*noise ( p ); p*=m*2.01;

    // normalize f;
    f /= 0.9375;
    return f;

// generates a palette with a cosine
// from
vec3 pal(float domain, vec3 frequency, vec3 phase) {
  return vec3(0.5) + vec3(0.5) * cos(TWO_PI*(frequency*domain+phase));

void main() {

  // cordinate system from -2 to 2
  vec2 p = (-0.5 + (isf_FragNormCoord.xy)) * vec2(4.0);
  // aspect ratio
  // angle and radius to center 0,0
  float a = atan( p.y, abs(p.x) );
  float r = length(p);
  // gl_FragCoord.xy distortion
  p += vec2(fbm(vec2(a*2.+TIME*.1,r*.4-TIME*.3)))*5.0;
  // divide the gl_FragCoord.xy into cells and get cell index to seed the palette
  float cidx = (floor(p.x+2.0) + (floor(p.y+2.0)*4.0)) / 16.0;
  // color is from palette with cell index
  vec3 color = pal(fbm(p*.5), vec3(1.0), vec3(0.4+cidx,0.2+cidx,0.0));
  // draw a grid for the cells
  color *= smoothstep(0.49,0.44, abs(fract(p.x)-0.5));
  color *= smoothstep(0.49,0.44, abs(fract(p.y)-0.5));
  // angular distortion
  a += fbm(p*0.05);
  // flower white petals
  float f = abs(cos(a*9.)*sin(a*6.))*.7+.1;
  float ff = smoothstep(f,f+0.05,r);
  color = ff * color + (1.0-ff) * vec3(0.9,0.9,0.7) * (1.8-r);
  // flower center
  color = mix(color,vec3(1.,1.-r*3.,0.0),smoothstep(0.26,0.1+fbm(vec2(r+TIME,a-TIME))*0.06 ,r));
  gl_FragColor = vec4(color, 0.0);